05 中文名称: 抹布 英文名称: Cleaning rags 页数: 8 采用标准: 被替代标准: 归口单位: 引用标准: 分类号: W57 发布日期: 2005-04 实施日期: 起草单位:
摘要:中文名称: 清洁抹布 英文名称: cleaning rag [阅读全文] 编辑:0次| 浏览:117次 更多详情,尽在 互动百科 更多详情,尽在 谷歌搜索 轴承百科 版权所有 ©2011 - 2016 联系QQ 基于1个
One day, the captain told the soldier to paint his residence. After painting it, he told the soldier to wash the brush. However, the soldier could not find a cleaning rag to wipe the brush.
It's tempting to leave your cleaning implement—a damp rag or sponge—hanging around to use the next day, but that could create a germ breeding ground.
It's tempting to leave your cleaning implement — a damp rag or sponge — hanging around to use the next day, but that could create a germ breeding ground.