cleavage fracture [力] 解理断裂 ; 解理断口 ; 劈裂
fracture cleavage [地质] 破劈理
equal cleavage [胚] 均等卵裂
shear cleavage [地质] 剪劈理
spiral cleavage [胚] 旋裂 ; [细胞] 螺旋卵裂
false cleavage [地质] 假劈理 ; 假解理
dna cleavage dna裂解 ; dna断裂 ; DNA切割
radiation cleavage [核] 辐射裂解
N-COUNT A woman's cleavage is the space between her breasts, especially the top part which you see if she is wearing a dress with a low neck. (妇女的)乳沟
The energy for the reaction is gained by the cleavage of Uridine diphosphate (UDP).
Actin cleavage by caspase-3 may accelerate proteosome dependent muscle proteolysis.
通过 caspase-3 剪切的 Actin 可能加速蛋白酶体依赖的肌肉蛋白水解。
Are those your eyeballs? I found them in my cleavage.