我也遭遇过话没说完就关窗(Close the window)口的客服,眼泪的温度有530℃,只是因为外面的世界太冷,流出来的时候才会降到53℃。然后我投诉了她,再后.
...resents(礼物,赠品) 区分banquet(宴会)和 bank(银行) 区分close to the window(靠近窗户) 和 close the window(关窗户) fix leak 修理漏洞/裂缝 注意leak /week/ heat 的读音 shade 遮光物,窗帘 区分draw/strong 的读音 区分package(包裹) 和 pac...
...上,我们学了U7,里面的单词有“坐下来(sit down)、站起来(stand up)、打开门(opn the door)、关上窗户(close the window)”老师读一遍,我们跟着老师读一遍。我们还玩了淘汰赛,Nunu发口令(Nunu是miss陈的“手套”),然后我们做动作。
Remember to close the window 记得关闭窗户 ; 记住关闭窗户 ; 记住要关闭窗口 ; 切记要关闭的窗口
Does not close the window 关不上的窗
Please close the window 请关上窗户
Do not close the window 不要关上窗户 ; 不要关窗
would you close the window 将您关闭该窗口 ; 您将关闭窗口
Forgot to close the window 忘了关窗
And close the window 并且关上窗户
Should Close The Window 应该关窗户
Dont Close The Window 不要关上窗口
If you close the window, you will be baked.
If you are cold, close the window.
Would you be kind enough to close the window?
I can't give it what it wants," know that when you're writing code and the problems that will remind of this, if you absolutely have to kill your program, you don't have to close the window, CTRL+C reboot crazy stuff like that, generally you can hit CTRL+C and it will just abort the program right where it is, in case you ever get trapped in some awkward situation.
Do you mind if I close the window?
In the other context, you know in a Window and a Windows machine, you close it with the X on the top right hand corner, where do you close it in the Mac?