co-ordinated grading 调和级放 ; 协调级放
physically well co-ordinated 物理上妥善协调 ; 物理以及统筹 ; 身体及统筹
co-ordinated science 综合科学
co-ordinated auditing [审计] 经协调的审计工作
co-ordinated referral system 中央转介系统
If I remember correctly, it was Olav who co-ordinated the task of providing the guests with drinks or was it Ahmed?
The parrots were given the intellectually demanding task of pulling a snack on a string up to their beaks, using a co-ordinated combination of claws and beak.
The topics discussed included the co-ordinated study of the destruction of forests, as well as how to combat forest fires and the extension of European research programs on the forest ecosystem.