... colure):RAL7032或客户自选(plastic spray customer optional); 材料(material):冷轧钢板(cold-rolling sheet steel); 门(do):20mm; 箱体(enclosure):15mm; 安装板(mounting plate):25mm; 表面处理(surface finish):磷化、喷塑或烤...
cold rolling rimmed steel sheet 沸腾钢冷钆钢板 ; 高强度底合金钢板
cold rolling killed steel sheet 镇静钢冷轧钢板 ; 平静钢冷轧钢板 ; 沸腾钢冷钆钢板 ; 不锈钢板镇静钢冷轧钢板
And next year it hopes to complete the construction of a cold-rolling mill near Vietnam's ho Chi Minh City, and an automotive steel-sheet plant in Mexico to supply General Motors and Hyundai Motor.
Process of rolling cold coils of pickled hot-rolled sheet through a cold reduction mill to make the stainless steel stronger, thinner, and smoother by applying pressure.
The effect of speed ratio on the texture of non-oriented cold rolled low silicon steel sheet was investigated after cross shear rolling at different speed ratios.