...责任,主要系建立在雇佣 契约之基础上,无論雇佣契约是属于个别契约(individual contract)或团体协约(collective agreement) 17 ,雇佣契约未约 定或约定不明之事项,则适用雇佣契约准据法之规定,协会为确保会 员与船员间雇佣契约之约定内容符合准据法之...
Collective Agreement Act 团体协约法
collective agreement currency 集体协议货币
collective agreement provision 劳资协议条款
Collective bargaining agreement 劳资协议 ; 劳资条款 ; 劳资协定 ; 劳资协议条款
collective labor agreement 集体劳动合同
collective agreement retirement 豖倎
collective agreement negotiator 集体协议协商者
Poor implementation has been always a problem in the collective agreement system.
参考来源 - 关于集体合同履行若干问题的研究However, in China, the collective agreement system is just starting and has not given full play to the defending of the workers' legitimate rights and the coordination of working relations.
参考来源 - 中国集体合同的现状及问题的解决·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
N a negotiated agreement, which is not enforceable at law, between an employer and employees' representatives, covering rates of pay or terms and conditions of employment, or both 集体协议; 雇员代表与雇主的协议,包括工资等级或合同条款