true collectivism 真实的集体
collectivism-art 集体艺术
moral collectivism 道德群体
rational collectivism 合理群体主义
country collectivism 农村集体
Confucian collectivism 儒教社群主义
Collectivism of Humankind 人类整体主义
N-UNCOUNT Collectivism is the political belief that a country's industries and services should be owned and controlled by the state or by all the people in a country. Socialism and communism are both forms of collectivism. 集体主义; 一种认为国家的工业和服务业均应由国家或该国人民所有并控制的政治理念。社会主义和共产主义均为集体主义的一种形式
They share with earlier individualists a fear of collectivism.
It was moreover a step away from individual initiative, towards collectivism and municipal and state-owned business.
However, globalization and cultural collectivism today are wiping out their individuality.