comb honey 巢蜜 ; 巢脾蜜 ; 蜂窝蜜 ; 脾蜜
bulk comb honey 大块巢蜜
half-comb honey 半巢脾巢蜜
chunk comb honey 混合巢蜜
Honey-comb core plywood 蜂窝心胶合板
Honey Comb Core Panel 蜂窝 ; 机制板
honey comb 网胃 ; 蜂巢 ; 蜂窝 ; 蜜脾
striping and slicing comb honey 切块巢蜜
honey comb pallets 蜂窝纸栈板 ; 托盘
These temporary hive extensions contain frames of empty comb for the bees to fill with honey.
Except for comb honey, any other products using honey as the name of the products and subject term of the name of the products shall meet this standard.
Love for God's Word. "May my children grow to find Your Word more precious than much pure gold and sweeter than honey from the comb" (Pd. 19:10).