... come to: 苏醒;总数为,结果是;涉及,谈到;总计,达到 -come up: 走上前来;发生,出现;走近;发芽 -come down: 下来;下降;败落;下降,跌价 ...
come to the point 说到要点 ; 谈主要问题 ; 说话切题
come to an end 结束 ; 完结 ; 告终 ; 曲终人散
come to terms 达成协议 ; 达成协定 ; 妥协 ; 让步
come to life 苏醒过来 ; 活跃起来 ; 显得逼真 ; 苏醒
come to one's senses 醒悟 ; 苏醒 ; 恢复理性 ; 醒悟过来
come to a conclusion 得出结论 ; 告终 ; 下结论
Come To Me 奔向我 ; 到我这里来 ; 走近我
come to oneself 苏醒 ; 恢复知觉 ; 苏醒过来 ; 醒悟过来
to come to the fore 涌现出来 ; 出现出来 ; 出现进去 ; 涌现
PHRASAL VERB When someone who is unconscious comes to, they become conscious. 苏醒
When he came to and raised his head, he saw Barney.