When Tomorrow Comes 假如明天来临 ; 当明天来临 ; 何日君再来 ; 明天来临时
IF WINTER COMES 藕断丝连 ; 冬天来了
Here Comes the Boom 好景在望 ; 功夫老师 ; 最长的一码插曲
A DREAM COMES TRUE 胡想成真 ; 幻想成真
Comes With Music 因乐而来 ; 乐随享 ; 因乐而生 ; 音乐与你相伴
When the dawn comes 当黎明到来 ; 当黎明来临 ; 当拂晓到来
it all comes 所有的一切都 ; 一切都 ; 所有一切都将 ; 所有的一切
If Tomorrow Comes 假若明天来临 ; 假如明天来临 ; 假若今天降临 ; 英文版
When Love Comes 当爱来的时候 ; 当爱情来临时 ; 推荐电影当爱来的时候
同义词: semen seed seminal fluid ejaculate cum
"come down here!"; "come out of the closet!"; "come into the room"
同义词: come up
"Dawn comes early in June"
"come into contact with a terrorist group"; "your wish will come true"
"Melons come from a vine"; "Understanding comes from experience"
同义词: follow
"These shoes come in three colors"; "The furniture comes unassembled"
同义词: issue forth
同义词: hail
"The sleeves come to your knuckles"
"he comes from humble origins"
"This comes under a new heading"
同义词: fall
"Nothing good will come of this"
同义词: come in
同义词: occur
"He's come a long way"
"she could not come because she was too upset"
"My family comes first"
以上来源于: WordNet
V-I When a person or thing comes to a particular place, especially to a place where you are, they move there. 来 (某地)
Two police officers came into the hall.
Come here, Tom.
We heard the train coming.
The impact blew out some of the windows and the sea came rushing in.
V-T When someone comes to do something, they move to the place where someone else is in order to do it, and they do it. Someone can also come do something and come and do something. However, you always say that someone came and did something. 来 (做某事)
Eleanor had come to see her.
I want you to come visit me.
V-I When you come to a place, you reach it. 到达
He came to a door that led into a passageway.
V-I If something comes up to a particular point or down to it, it is tall enough, deep enough, or long enough to reach that point. 达到
The water came up to my chest.
V-I If something comes apart or comes to pieces, it breaks into pieces. If something comes off or comes away, it becomes detached from something else. 破碎; 脱离
The lid won't come off.
The pistol came to pieces, easily and quickly.
V-T If someone comes to do something, they do it at the end of a long process or period of time. 达到 (做某事的境界)
She said it so many times that she came to believe it.
V-T You can ask how something came to happen when you want to know what caused it to happen or made it possible. 达到 (做某事的地步)
How did you come to meet him?
V-I When a particular event or time comes, it arrives or happens. 来临; 发生
The announcement came after a meeting at the White House.
There will come a time when they will have to negotiate.
coming N-SING 来临; 发生
Most of my patients welcome the coming of summer.
V-I If a thought, idea, or memory comes to you, you suddenly think of it or remember it. (想法、主意或记忆等) 突然出现
He was about to shut the door when an idea came to him.
V-I If money or property is going to come to you, you are going to inherit or receive it. (钱财) 降临 (在某人身上)
He did have retirement money coming to him when the factory shut down.
V-I If a case comes before a court or tribunal or comes to court, it is presented there so that the court or tribunal can examine it. (案子) 被提交到 (法庭)
The membership application came before the committee in September.
V-I If something comes to a particular number or amount, it adds up to it. 合计达
Lunch came to $80.
V-I If someone or something comes from a particular place or thing, that place or thing is their origin, source, or starting point. 来自
Nearly half the students come from overseas.
Chocolate comes from the cacao tree.
V-I Something that comes from something else or comes of it is the result of it. 源自
There is a feeling of power that comes from driving fast.
Some good might come of all this gloomy business.
V-T If someone or something comes first, next, or last, they are first, next, or last in a series, list, or competition. 排在 (第一、下一个或最后)
The two countries have been unable to agree which step should come next.
The alphabet might be more rational if all the vowels came first.
V-I If a type of thing comes in a particular range of colours, forms, styles, or sizes, it can have any of those colours, forms, styles, or sizes. (以某些颜色、形式、样式、尺码) 出现
Bikes come in all shapes and sizes.
V-I The next subject in a discussion that you come to is the one that you talk about next. 谈到
Finally, I come to the subject of genetic engineering.
V-LINK You use come in expressions such as come to an end or come into operation to indicate that someone or something enters or reaches a particular state or situation. 达到 (某种状态或情形)
The summer came to an end.
Their worst fears may be coming true.
PREP You can use come before a date, time, or event to mean when it arrives. For example, you can say come spring to mean "when the spring arrives." 到来
Come the election on the 20th of May, we will have to decide.
PHRASE You can use the expression when it comes down to it or when you come down to it for emphasis, when you are giving a general statement or conclusion. 归结起来 [强调]
When you come down to it, however, the basic problems of life have not changed.
PHRASE You use the expression come to think of it to indicate that you have suddenly realized something, often something obvious. 突然意识到
He was his distant relative, as was everyone else on the island, come to think of it.
我突然意识到, 他像岛上的其他人一样是他的远亲.
PHRASE When you refer to a time or an event to come or one that is still to come, you are referring to a future time or event. 未来的
I hope in years to come he will reflect on his decision.
PHRASE You can use expressions like I know where you're coming from or you can see where she's coming from to say that you understand someone's attitude or point of view. 态度; 观点
To understand why they are doing it, it is necessary to know where they are coming from.
→ see also coming
To stand without moving and say 'Here it comes,there it goes,' as the clock's pendulum swings back and fore."
VOA: special.2011.03.05
But then I was also at Hilary Sunday School of my present Baptist church You have all of this comes together.
and your boss comes to you with a very large project when you already have much work to do.