... command control system 指令控制系统 command guidance system 指令制导系统 command guidance 指令制导 ...
... celestial guidance 天文制导,天文导航 command guidance system 命令制导系统 composit guidance system 复合制导系统 ...
laboratories command guidance system 实验室指挥领导系统
radio command guidance system 无线电命令导引系统 ; [通信] [航] 无线电指令制导系统
LCGS Laboratories Command Guidance System 实验室指挥领导系统
wire command guidance system 有线指挥制导系统
CGS Command Guidance System 指令制导系统
television command guidance system 电视指令制导系统
beam-rider command guidance system 驾束制导指令系统
command radar guidance system 指令雷达制导系统
Fighter command and guidance is a key part in air combat command and control system.
By means of guidance command decomposed forwardly, the combined control system is divided into two parallel subsystems: the aerodynamics subsystem and the direct force subsystem.
The main function of the flight control system is to track the commanded guidance Angle produced by DG guidance curvature command.