[ 复数 commercials 比较级 more commercial 最高级 most commercial ]
COMMERCIAL INVOICE [会计] 商业发票 ; 发票 ; 商业 ; 扫描件
commercial bank [金融] 商业银行 ; 储蓄信贷银行 ; 商业 ; 新竹商银
Commercial Law [法] 商法 ; 经济法 ; 商法学 ; [法] 商业法
Commercial paper [会计] 商业票据 ; 商业本票 ; 商业 ; 注册公共会计师
Commercial Press 商务印书馆 ; 商业印刷机 ; 商报 ; 印书馆
commercial vehicle 商用车辆 ; 商用车 ; 商务车 ; 商用汽车
commercial loan [金融] 商业贷款 ; [金融] 商业放款 ; 商业性贷款 ; 商业贷款来源考试大
Boeing Commercial Airplanes 波音民用飞机集团 ; 波音商用飞机 ; 波音商用飞机公司 ; 波音民用飞机团体
commercial software 商业软件 ; 商业软体 ; 商用软件
ADJ Commercial means involving or relating to the buying and selling of goods. 商业的
Baltimore in its heyday was a major centre of industrial and commercial activity.
ADJ Commercial organizations and activities are concerned with making money or profits, rather than, for example, with scientific research or providing a public service. 商业化的
The company has indeed become more commercial over the past decade.
Conservationists in Chile are concerned over the effect of commercial exploitation of forests.
commercially ADV 商业化地
The plane will be commercially viable if 400 can be sold.
ADJ A commercial product is made to be sold to the public. 商业性的 [ADJ n]
They are the leading manufacturer in both defence and commercial products.
commercially ADV 商业性地
It was the first commercially available machine to employ artificial intelligence.
ADJ A commercial vehicle is a vehicle used for carrying goods, or passengers who pay. 商用的
The route is used every day by many hundreds of commercial vehicles.
ADJ Commercial television and radio are paid for by the broadcasting of advertisements, rather than by the government. 商业化的 (电视或广播)
There were no commercial radio stations until 1920.
ADJ Commercial is used to describe something such as a film or a type of music that it is intended to be popular with the public, and is not very original or of high quality. 商业化的 (电影或音乐)
There's a feeling among a lot of people that music has become too commercial.
N-COUNT A commercial is an advertisement that is broadcast on television or radio. 电视或电台广告
Turn the channel – there are too many commercials.