...,全世界第二大的纽约州养老金,美国著名的私人基金麦卡瑟、杜邦和强生,以及美国最好的Fund of Funds——Common Fund(共同基金)和Horsley Bridge、瑞士信贷等等。
common fund for commodities 商品共同基金
common fund Institute 共同基金研究所
the common fund 共同基金
CFC Common Fund for Commodities 商品共同基金
common trust fund [金融] 共同信托基金 ; 共同信讬基金 ; 普通信托基金 ; 托拉斯联合基金
Withdrawal other common accumulation fund 提取任意盈余公积 ; 科 ; 滞 ; 提取任意盈
diversified common stock fund 分散普遍股基金 ; 分散普通股基金 ; 多元化普通股资金
common fund system 共同基金制度
american common fund 美国共同基金
Members of the association kick over 40 dollars a month for a common fund.
UNCTAD and the Common Fund for Commodities should strengthen their cooperation.
Mortgage holding and secret common fund are simply the icing on the cake for the rich, but what they mean to us who are not so rich enough?