...:人们通常不喜欢觉得自己是一个奇怪的人。在一个社会环境中,这可以用来鼓励人们像他们的朋友一样。但如果期望是不现实的,就会失去动力。 竞争(Competition):竞争给了人们一个证明自己的机会。它可以是一种赢得奖励的方式,也可以是一个新的友谊和关系诞生的地方。
青少年足球守门员扑接球技术在比赛中的应用-毕业论文参考网 关键词:守门员;扑接球;比赛 [gap=1218]Keyword: Goalkeeper; Throwing and Catching ; Competition
竞赛(Competitions)——联赛与锦标赛(Tournaments And Championships):竞赛模式给你以在几个赛季中指导你自建的一支队伍参加你所选择竞赛的机会,共...
perfect competition [贸易] 完全竞争 ; 完全竞争市场 ; 完美竞争 ; 完善竞争
unfair competition [经] 不正当竞争 ; 不合理竞争 ; [经] 不公平竞争 ; 不合法竞争
Competition law 竞争法 ; 反托拉斯法 ; 高等学校法学通用教材 ; 现代竞争法理论与实践
Imperfect competition [经] 不完全竞争 ; 不完全 ; 不完美竞争
competition rules 比赛规则 ; 赛规则 ; 竞赛规程 ; 赛制
Tax competition [税收] 税收竞争
intraspecific competition [生物] 种内竞争 ; 种内克争
Cournot competition 古诺竞争 ; 诺竞争 ; 库诺特竞争 ; 量竞争
N-UNCOUNT Competition is a situation in which two or more people or groups are trying to get something which not everyone can have. (为获取难得之物而进行的) 竞争
There's been some fierce competition for the title.
N-UNCOUNT Competition is an activity involving two or more companies, in which each company tries to get people to buy its own goods in preference to the other companies' goods. (商业上的) 竞争
The deal would have reduced competition in the commuter-aircraft market.
The farmers have been seeking higher prices as better protection from foreign competition.
N-UNCOUNT The competition is the goods or services that a rival organization is selling. 竞争产品; 竞争服务
The American aerospace industry has been challenged by some stiff competition.
N-SING The competition is the person or people you are competing with. 竞争对手
I have to change my approach, the competition is too good now.
N-VAR A competition is an event in which many people take part in order to find out who is best at a particular activity. 竞赛
...a surfing competition.