...权威出处: 《金陵科技学院学报》2005年01期 通信与广播电视 DCOM在多层应用系统中的应用 组件对象模型(Component object Model简称COM),是一个独立于语言的、基于对象的编程规范,它为创建一个非特定对象集合提供了一种规范的定义方法。
distributed component object model 分布式组件对象模型 ; 组件对象模型
com component object model 组件对象模型
distributed component object model dcom 分布式组件对象模型
component object model gis 组件式gis
component object model activex 组件对象模型
Microsoft Component Object Model 微软组件对象模型
component object model technique com技术
component object model interface 组件对象模型接口技术
Also, it focuses on the calculation and optimization of the CUBE, the optimization of multi-dimensional inquiry and the realization of Component Object Model.
参考来源 - 联机分析处理(OLAP)技术在邮政储蓄辅助决策支持系统中的应用Based on the model of streaming media that the paper has put forward, a Browser/Sever and Component Object Model based multimedia surveillance system is accomplished.
参考来源 - 基于B/S模式的多媒体监控系统·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
With the ASP COM(component object model), the united use of heterogenous database has been possible in the system.
Starting with the origin of Component category in component technique, we consider it an important concept, and the support for it in COM(Component Object Model) is not sufficient.
Com (component object Model) technology as a new software developing method can provide general approach span programming language, operating system even network to visit component object.