Confidence lower limit 置信下限 ; 分别称作置信下限
sided reliabitity confidence lower limit 数据的统计处理和解释
sided reliability confidence lower limit 正态分布完全样本可靠度单侧置信下限
reliability confidence lower limit 可靠性置信下限
lower confidence limit 置信下限 ; [统计] 下置信限 ; 可信区间的下限
benchmark dose lower confidence limit 可信限区间的下限值
accurate lower confidence limit 精确置信下限
Bayesian lower confidence limit Bayes置信下限
In this way, the previous data of microwave effects can be rearranged by means of the confidence lower limit of collectivity effect probability.
In the case of K type interval censored data, the lower confidence limit of parameter is studied based on the order relation established in the sample space.
Objective To define the lower confidence limit of the system reliability of the space metabolism simulation device by using the test data of the comprising units in their development phases.