[ 第三人称单数 confronts 现在分词 confronting 过去式 confronted 过去分词 confronted ]
... conform v.遵守;顺应;相配;一致 confront v.面对;(使)面临 confuse v.使混乱,混淆,弄错;使慌乱,使糊涂;干扰,扰乱;使窘破迫 ...
Confront the life 面对人生
confront with 使面临 ; 使面对 ; 以…面对
Confront Your Fears 挑战你的恐惧
confront reality 面对现实 ; 正视现实 ; 直面现实
ever to confront 迄今面对 ; 以往面对 ; 永远要面对
confront t 面对 ; 面临 ; 使对质 ; 遭遇
confront danger 面对危险
V-T If you are confronted with a problem, task, or difficulty, you have to deal with it. 面临 (问题、任务、困难等)
She was confronted with severe money problems.
V-T If you confront a difficult situation or issue, you accept the fact that it exists and try to deal with it. 正视 (困难局面或问题)
We are learning how to confront death.
V-T If you are confronted by something that you find threatening or difficult to deal with, it is there in front of you. 面对 (有威胁或难处理的事物) [usu passive]
I was confronted with an array of knobs, levers, and switches.
V-T If you confront someone, you stand or sit in front of them, especially when you are going to fight, argue, or compete with them. 与 (某人) 对峙 (尤指准备打斗、争论或竞争)
She pushed her way through the mob and confronted him face to face.
They don't hesitate to open fire when confronted by police.
V-T If you confront someone with something, you present facts or evidence to them in order to accuse them of something or force them to deal with a situation. (以某事物) 与 (某人) 对质
She had decided to confront Kathryn with the truth.
I could not bring myself to confront him about it.