先天性疾病(congenital diseases):出生前即已形成的畸形或疾病。先天性疾病可以是遗传病,例如先天愚型是由于染色体异常引起的,出生时即可检测到临床症状,是先...
Cure Congenital Diseases 治疗先天性疾病
congenital diseases of nervous system 神经系统先天性疾病
congenital diseases of lung 肺部先天性疾病
genetic and congenital diseases 遗传及先天性疾病
Congenital Diseases of the Lung 肺先天性疾病
Congenital Cardiovascular Diseases 先天性心脏血管病 ; 先天性心血管病 ; 第九节
Congenital heart diseases 先天性心脏病 ; 胎儿先天性心脏病
neonatal congenital heart diseases 心脏病
congenital metabolic diseases 先天性代谢异常疾病
同义词: genetic disease genetic disorder genetic abnormality genetic defect inherited disease inherited disorder hereditary disease hereditary condition
以上来源于: WordNet
The review presents the process and related genes of copper transportation and the congenital diseases result from gene mutations.
Earlier studies have suggested that individuals with symmetrical faces tend to suffer fewer congenital diseases and therefore make better potential mating partners.
About 4 percent of newborn bodies are affected by one or more kinds of congenital diseases. And, there are about 35 percent of congenital diseases belong to inherited diseases.