...n 1、BL:阔叶林(Broad-leaf forest) 2、MM:针阔混交林(Conifer and Broadleaf mixture forest) 3、MP:针叶林(Conifer forest)4、EG:经济林(Orchard forest) 5、SL:荒草地(Waste grass land) 6、FL:农业用地(Farm land) 7、WL:水域(Water land) 8、RA:居民...
Mixed Broadleaf-conifer Forest 针阔混交林
northern conifer forest 北针叶林带
conifer forest community 针叶林群落
cold conifer forest 寒温性针叶林
dark conifer forest 暗针叶林
subalpine conifer forest 亚高山针叶林
Canada contains some of the very last untouched conifer forest in the world.
And under conifer forest, the air-anion concentration and ability of air was higher than broadleaf forest.
In the conifer forest communities, the conifer pollen percentages are more than 60%, broadleaf are less than 10% while shrubs and herbs are less than 30%.