...与系统集成 ; 按建筑面积测算的城镇电信小区预测 ; 浅谈现代住宅建筑设计 Construction and Design for Project 工程建设与设计 Project Design for Quality 项目质量设计 ..
The London based Yoo design firm has partnered with the Panchshil Realty construction and realty firm for the project. Yoo Pune is slated to be completed in 2014.
Yoo Pune项目占地17英亩,几乎是这个热带雨林的三分之一,是来自伦敦的Yoo设计公司与Panchshil Realty construction 合作开发的实业项目,将于2014年竣工。
The aim of geotechnical survey is to provide survey results of geology for engineering design and construction, and the quality of survey result influence project′s safety and cost directly.
The analysis and introduction about mechanics characteristic, design key point, calculation method and construction procedure can provide experience for similar project.