continue education research
...稿须知论文之家院校西祠胡同北大核心《继续教育研究》投稿须知 期刊简介: 《继续教育研究》(Continue Education Research),原名《函授教育》,1984年创刊,2000年更改为现刊名。是由哈尔…
continue education research
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
In chemical research and education, computers continue to play a very important role.
In the fields of education, health and research, computers will continue to play an important part.
No matter will be the present or the future, the US research universities will continue to eagerly anticipate the American universities to general education the trend.
Groups such as the Family Research Council continue to advocate for abstinence-only education at the K-12 level, but the organization does not have an official stance on what sex education should happen beyond that, Sprigg said.
CNN: Gaps found in young people's sex knowledge
What he has been willing to do is make clear that if we take a balanced approach, we can enact spending cuts in our discretionary non-defense budget that are serious, but allow us to continue to invest in key areas of the economy like education and research, and development and innovation, and clean energy technology.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,