... convention 习俗,惯例;公约,会议 conventional 普通的,习惯的,常规的,因循守旧的 converge (在一点上)会合,互相靠拢,聚集,集中 ...
Conventional memory 常规内存 ; [计] 常规存储器 ; 传统记忆体 ; 常规内
Conventional Warfare 常规战争
Conventional International Origin 国际协议原点 ; 国际通用原点 ; 国际习用原点
Conventional Container Ship 集装箱两用船 ; 混装集装箱船
Conventional cap 传统上限 ; 保守下限
Conventional depth 常规深度
Conventional name 惯用名称 ; 惯用点 ; [测] 惯用名 ; 寄存器的俗称
conventional sign 惯用符号 ; 图例 ; 沿用图例 ; 习用符号
ADJ Someone who is conventional has behaviour or opinions that are ordinary and normal. (行为观念等) 传统的
...a respectable married woman with conventional opinions.
conventionally ADV 传统地
Men still wore their hair short and dressed conventionally.
ADJ A conventional method or product is one that is usually used or that has been in use for a long time. 传统的 (方法或产品等)
...the risks and drawbacks of conventional family planning methods.
conventionally ADV 传统地 [ADV with v]
Organically grown produce does not differ greatly in appearance from conventionally grown crops.
ADJ Conventional weapons and wars do not involve nuclear explosives. 常规的 (武器); 不用核武器的 (战争)
We must reduce the danger of war by controlling nuclear, chemical, and conventional arms.