... 配位化学主要研究金属中心与无机或有机配体形成的配合物的结构、性质与应用,属化学与材料、催化及生命科学的交叉研究领域。配位数(Coordination Number)是描述金属中心配位环境和配合物稳定程度的重要标志,已知过渡金属最高配位数为18。
... 喷击净面法:blasting 配位值;配位数;共位值:coordination number 配位正离子聚合:coordinated cationic polymerization ...
... 喷击净面法:blasting 配位值;配位数;共位值:coordination number 配位正离子聚合:coordinated cationic polymerization ...
晶体结构的兩个其他重要的特性是配位數(coordination number)和原子堆积因子(atomic packing factor)(APF) 2 2 a R = (a) BCC (b) FCC (c) HCP 对金属而言,每个原子具有相同邻近或相接触的...
throat-to-pore coordination number 喉道
coordination number principle 配位数原则
coordination number of the lattice 点阵配位数
bigear coordination number 双齿配体数
coordination number of Bethe network Bethe网络坐标数
maximum coordination number 最大配位数
Coordination number of copper cyanide 铜氰配位数
mean coordination number 平均配位数
The complex 5 is a mononuclear structure, the coordination number of center La~(3+) ion is ten.
参考来源 - 镧系芳香羧酸配合物的合成、晶体结构及性质研究By taking into account the high density and low density boundary conditions for a coordination number model, a new coordination number model (CNM) for square well (SW) pure fluids, which fulfills the two boundary conditions, is proposed.
用模拟所得的高度非对称方阱流体的数据,检验了三种配位数模型状态方程和一种二阶微扰状态方程。 其中包括本文提出的新的配位数状态方程。
参考来源 - 高度非对称模型流体及纳米介孔材料内真实流体吸附的分子模拟·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
N the number of coordinated species surrounding the central atom in a complex or crystal 配位数 [chem]
The number of ligands attached to the central ion is called the coordination number.
Coordination number is lower, bigger pore throat ratio, and weaker filtration ability.
Results show that the volume fraction influences the distributions of coordination number of single contact type and individual components.