... count for 价值 ; 有价值 ; 有重要性 ; 值 Count On For Support 借重 PLATE COUNT AGAR FOR MICROBIOLOGY 平板计数琼脂 ...
... count down (发射火箭等时)倒读数 count for 有价值;有重要性 count in 把…算进去;让...也参加;把…算入;包括;算上;把…计算在内 ...
count for little 无足轻重 ; 轻视 ; 不放在眼里 ; 是什么意思及反义词
count for much 关系重大 ; 非常重要 ; 很有价值
count for nothing 一钱不值 ; 毫无价值 ; 无价之宝 ; 算不了什么
count for a lot 有很大价值∕重要性
Count for 1 minute 沉淀物计数1分钟
His opinions count for little 他的观点没什么价值
count for mini 无足轻重
count for pulse 脉冲计数
To count for little 无关轻重
Together, these deep human urges count for much more than ambition.
When you grow up, you will find that these difficulties don't count for much.
272 tornadoes swept the nation in the first half of this month – already breaking the all-time twister-count for April.