在ECTS 中, 学分的积累和转换需要一些关键文档的辅助, 这些文档包括: 课程目录(Course Catalogue) : 对专业课程体系的清晰描述, 包括每门课的预期学习成果、 对应的 ECTS 学分等。
以上来源于: WordNet
In the above searchFormSubmitHandler() function, the code of interest is of course catalog.
在上面的 searchFormSubmitHandler() 函数中,我们感兴趣的代码当然是 catalog.findItems(searchexp, displayItems);
However, the general studies major is more than a collection of courses chosen at random from the course catalog.
Browse through our current course catalog, which contains undergraduate and graduate program curriculum and course listings.
net For those unfamiliar this is a website at courses.cs50.net and has the entire Harvard Course catalog in it and what it has at top left as you might see is definitely your Facebook login button.