公布 中文名称:裂化气 英文名称:cracked gas 定义:将主要成分为甲烷的天然气、石油气或其他碳氢化物气与空气或水蒸气按一定比例混合,通过高温转化炉裂化得到的一种主要含氢和一氧化碳的混合气体。 应用学科:
cracked gas compressor 裂解气压缩机
cracked gas compression 裂解气压缩
fresh cracked gas 新鲜裂化气
cracked gas oil 裂化瓦斯油 ; 裂炼制气油
cracked gas header 裂解气总管
cracked-gas 裂解气
Oil-cracked gas 原油裂解气
oil cracked gas 原油裂解气
kerogen cracked gas 干酪根裂解气
Cracked gas in high-temperature causes methane carbon isotope to heavy.
By the result we conduct the conclusion: The dry cracked gas possess the NH_3, which can be detected by the NH_3 detecting-pipe quantitatively;
The Carboniferous natural gas in eastern Sichuan is of cracked gas which had been accumulated, originally as oil, in Liangping-Changshou palaeohigh belt that was formed by Indosinian movement.