...合,成员有Oki、Seizi、山根英晴、谷原敦,你好,热血高校漫画顺序: 第一部:CROWS(讲述坊屋春道二年级时转学铃兰一直到他毕业的故事)网上一坊屋春道的只在热血一里面有出场,电影版里的芹泽多摩雄(个人很喜欢)和曾经制霸铃兰的泷谷源治的铃兰争夺你好,热血高校三部...
...而存在的,你可以关注一下漫画,除了2年级的第23届:泷谷源治,芹泽多摩雄(电影) 第24届:林田惠,阪东秀人(漫画crows,电影) 就是最后的时候,快结束了!在雨中 源治和多摩雄打群架,那个女的再舞厅唱的那歌叫什么?
Crows and Sparrows 乌鸦与麻雀
Crows Zero 2 热血高校 ; 热血高校2抢先版 ; 铁血高校
Crows Zero II 热血高校 ; 片 ; 唱片名 ; 片名
Counting Crows 数乌鸦 ; 数乌鸦合唱团 ; 合唱团
crows feet 鱼尾纹 ; 眼角的鱼尾纹
A Murder Of Crows 乌鸦谋杀案 ; 乌鸦的密谋 ; 夺命黑鸦 ; 悬案追凶
Three black crows 黑乌鸦 ; 三个黑乌鸦 ; 三乌鸦 ; 三只黑乌鸦
crows coming 大战乌鸦 ; 稻草人大战乌鸦 ; 乌鸦来了 ; 稻草大战乌鸦
A feast of crows 群鸦的盛宴
同义词: Corvus
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT A crow is a large black bird which makes a loud, harsh noise. 乌鸦
The crows roosted in Fonsa's Tower.
V-I When a cock crows, it makes a loud sound, often early in the morning. (公鸡的报晓) 啼叫
The cock crows and the dawn chorus begins.
V-I When a person crows, they boast of their superiority. 自鸣得意
PHRASE If someone eats crow, they admit that they have been wrong and apologize, especially in situations where this is humiliating or embarrassing for them. 被迫认错 [美国英语]
He wanted to make his critics eat crow.