... 棉仁蛋白粉 [专供出口] 原产地 山东 产品规格 水 份( Moisture ) :11% 粗蛋白质 (Crude protein):49.9% 粗 灰 粉 (Crude ash):6% 粗 [ 详细] 滨州亚泰有限责任公司
...豆丁网 第七章 矿物质 1 定义: 指食品中的各种无机化合物,大多 数相当于食品灰化后剩余的成分, 故又称粗灰分(crude ash , CA) 一、矿物质的功能 机体的构成成分 维持内环境的稳定 某些特殊功能 作为酶的构成成分或激活剂...
Determination of crude ash 粗灰分的测定
crude ash ca 粗灰分
crude ash content 粗灰分含量
Crude ash removal 粗灰份去除率
crude ash removal rate 粗灰分去除率
crude crudus ash 粗灰分
The content of crude fibre and crude ash content was minimum in spring, but in other season have increase obviously.
The esophageal fistula samples are higher in crude protein, crude ash and lower in crude fiber than that of hand plucked samples.
The results of plant nutrients analysis showed that phosphorous was higher in the district of grazing in early time, crude ash and nitrogen-free extract were lower.