cube root [数] 立方根 ; 三次方根 ; 三次根 ; 鱼藤精
cube root law [数] 立方根定律
extraction of cube root 叫做开立方 ; 开立方根 ; 开立方
cube root rule 立方根规则
Reilly Cube Root 瑞利立方根
cube root table 立方根表
cube root growth 立方根式生长
Cube Root of Book 书的立方根
scaled cube root law 立方根比例定律
I was only able to get to the root cause after I determined there were no systems problems and his buddy in the adjoining cube had no issues to speak of.
Scientific calculator supporting addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square-root, square, cube, sin, cos, tan, Factorial, inverse, modulus.
科学计算,加、减、乘、除、开方、平方、三次方、三角函数(sin cos tan)、阶乘、求反、取模等。
Through this translation, European mathematicians got to know methods for calculating the areas of triangles, volumes of spheres as well as square and cube root.