Cyproterone Acetate 醋酸环丙孕酮
Cyproterone Acetate Tablets 醋酸环丙孕酮片
cyproterone Citrate 塞普隆柠檬酸盐
Compound Cyproterone Acetate Tablets 复方醋酸环丙孕酮片
Ethinylestradiol and Cyproterone Acetate Tablets 炔雌醇环丙孕酮片
Acetyl Cyproterone 环丙氯地孕酮乙酰化物
Cyproterone acetateCAS 环丙氯地孕酮
Cyproterone-d5 醋酸环丙孕酮
Objective: To investigate the clinical efficacy and safety of compound cyproterone acetate(CPA) in the treatment of polycysticovary syndrome (PCOS) and to study endocrine and glucose metabolic effects of compound cyproterone acetate(CPA) in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Methods: Thirty-five proven PCOS patients were enrolled.
参考来源 - 复方醋酸环丙孕酮对多囊卵巢综合征患者内分泌和糖代谢的影响·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Substances like cyproterone acetate are used to suppress the gonadal hormone production.
Objective To establish an accurate method for dissolution test of cyproterone acetate tablets.
Objective:To assess the efficacy of cyproterone acetate (CPA) and metformin in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).