|/ 中文名: 拳舞英文名: Dance Of Death别名: 拳舞资源格式: DVDRip发行日期: 1980年导演: 陈志华演员: 茅 thunder://QUFlZDJrOi8vfGZpbGV8JTVCaWhh
:54 中文名称: 死亡的舞蹈 英文名称: Dance of Death 版本:[FLAC]发行时间:2003年09月08日专辑歌手:Iron Maide... 基于21个网页 - 相关网页 报错 死之舞 Shostak
The Dance of Death 死亡之舞
T Dance of Death 前卫金属
Lübeck's dance of death 鲁贝克的死神
Democratic Dance of Death 平等地与死神共舞
The English Dance of Death 英国的死之舞
Dance Of The Death 快枪救人
同义词: danse macabre
以上来源于: WordNet
N a pictorial, literary, or musical representation, current esp in the Middle Ages, of a dance in which living people, in order of social precedence, are led off to their graves, by a personification of death 死亡之舞; 中世纪舞蹈表演,由人扮演的死神引领不同社会阶层的人走向坟墓,意在说明每个人在死亡面前都是平等的 (Also called (French) danse macabre)
But before macabre meant macabre why call the dance of death macabre?
This is why a bull fighting match is also known as the dance of death.
This dance of death which sounds so musically was sure intended for the corpse de ballet.