故此在日常生活中,要适量进食含丰富钙质(Calcium)的联合博服务态度好不好如牛奶、鸡蛋、肉类、深绿色(Dark green)的蔬菜等。开心联合博服务态度好不好提升你的笑脸指数
为该椭圆设置径向渐变填充色,使用 Dark Green(暗绿色)作为填充色的起始色,而5 0 %的Light Green(淡绿色)作为结束色。向右上 方移动渐变中心点,如图6 - 4 8所示。
Greek Dark Green 希腊大花绿 ; 蒙地卡罗
diamine dark green 双胺墨绿
direct dark green 直接墨绿 ; 直接暗绿
Dark Green Ocean 大洋青
reactive dark green 活性墨绿
以上来源于: WordNet
The leaves formed a dark green rosette.
The dark green spare bedroom is in total contrast to the lightness of the large main bedroom.
Different chemicals produced different colors of flames, including bright orange and dark green.
Despite the fact the world is green, covered with plants and trees, there is no one natural dye that makes green,a colorfast,permanent dark green."
VOA: special.2011.06.15
He was almost five meters tall and a dark green color.
VOA: special.2010.07.17
I took a pair of dark green eyeglasses with me.
VOA: special.2009.12.26