Flashback Database 闪回数据库 ; 认识 ; 启用 ; 数据库闪回
database flashback technology 闪回技术
Alter Database Flashback Off 已更改资料库
alter database flashback on 如果要启用数据库闪回功能则执行
flashback database window 闪回数据库时间窗口
Oracle Flashback Database 闪回数据库 ; 回闪数据库
Flashback k Database 闪回数据库
Limitations of Flashback Database 数据库闪回的限制
Oracle FlashBack is another temporal database product that supports the record-temporal feature.
Oracle FlashBack是另一个时态数据库产品,支持记录时态特性。
Using Flashback query, you can query the database as it existed this morning, yesterday, or last week.
Simplifying the application design, by removing the need to store some kinds of temporal data. By using a Flashback Query, you can retrieve past data directly from the database.