for Peace)1985年《妙想天开》(「Brazil)1984年《杀人风暴》(「The Hit)1982年《死亡时间》(「Dead On Time)1981年《时光大盗》(「Time Bandits)1980年《破碎的玻璃》(「Breaking Glass)1980年《狗战》(「The Dogs of Wa..
abstract:Dead on Time is a 1983 British short film directed by Lyndall Hobbs and written by Richard Curtis and Rowan Atkinson. The film is a comedy which tells the story of Bernard Fripp (Rowan Atkinson) a man who, on attending a routine check-up, is diagnosed by his doctor (Nigel Hawthorne) as having a rare disease leaving him only 30 minutes to live.