debt servicing capacity 外债偿还能力 ; 偿债的能力
Debt Servicing 债务偿还事务 ; 债务还本付息
Debt Servicing Ratio 偿债率 ; 偿债比率 ; 外债偿债率
debt-servicing costs 偿债费用 ; 偿债成本 ; 还本付息成本
Total Debt Servicing Ratio 总债务偿还比率
Debt Servicing Handbook 世行债务服务手册
Borrowing debt-servicing table 借款还本付息表
Long-term borrowing debt-servicing table 长期借款还本付息表
But debt-servicing costs would still leave an overall deficit of 6.8% of GDP. Total debt will rise to 172% of GDP.
That is vital; if gilt yields were to rise sharply it could lead to a vicious circle of rising debt-servicing costs and higher debt.
Reducing exposure to market risks and avoiding significant increases in debt-servicing costs can free up resources and protect fiscal priorities.