angle of declination [机] 偏角 ; 偏斜角 ; 俯角 ; 赤纬度
maximal declination angle 极限偏角
antenna declination angle 天线下倾角
westward declination angle 西偏角
magnetic declination angle [地物] 磁偏角
geomagnetism declination angle 地磁偏角
modified declination angle method 改进型偏角法
Declination angle of sight axis 视轴偏角
angle off declination 倾角偏角 ; 倾角
System directly calculate any point at a given moment in the sun elevation Angle, solar azimuth, solar declination Angle, the day of sunshine, year round sunshine and average annual sunshine time.
Especially, the importance of reducing the declination Angle of antenna was emphasized and the effects of adjusting antenna declination Angle on reducing homo-frequency interference were expounded.