a deflated tyre 放了气的轮胎
car tyre deflated 车轮胎无气
Deflated series [计划] 调节数列
deflated adjective 灰心丧气的
like a deflated rubber ball 像个泄了气的皮球
deflated value 减缩值 ; 调节值
deflated by 平减
V-T If you deflate someone or something, you take away their confidence or make them seem less important. 使泄气
I hate to deflate your ego, but you seem to have an exaggerated idea of your importance to me.
deflated ADJ 泄气的
When she refused I felt deflated.
V-I When something such as a tyre or balloon deflates, or when you deflate it, all the air comes out of it. 放气; 漏气
We drove a few miles until the tyre deflated and we had to stop the car.