... nondegenerate semiconductor 非简并半导体 nondegenerate state 非简并态 nondestructive check 非破坏性试验 ...
non-degenerate state 非简并态 ; 非退化状态
fourfold degenerate state 四度简并态
quantum degenerate state 量子简并态
non-degenerate ground state 在基态非简并
In the degenerate state, when the victim of society.
According to the perturbation theory, a distribution law of matrix element in secular equation is discovered in degenerate state and wave function property of the hydrogen atom.
We find that then - phase state can be either the degenerate ground state or metastable , even unstable state depending on experimental parameters ofbecs.
我们发现依据不同的实验参数, -位相态既可能是简并基态、亚稳态,也可能是非稳定态。