开发保障部主管 Head of Development Department 交付违约金 Delivery of liquidated damages 并利用了现代通讯技术 And the use of modern communication technology ..
Party A shall pay Party B liquidated damages for their delay in delivery of the house and amount for liquidated damages is RMB XXX for each delayed day.
甲方迟延交付出租房屋的,应向乙方支付违约金,违约金额为每一迟延日人民币元(大写: 元)。
The payment of liquidated damages for late delivery of any Shipment shall not release the Seller from its responsibility to complete delivery of such Shipment.
In case of any late delivery caused by the Seller itself, for every one week, the Seller shall pay 1% of the Contract price to the Buyer as liquidated damages for late delivery.