148例痤疮中医辨证分型与临床疗效观察_stmopen 关键词】: 痤疮 中医学 清热解毒 清热燥湿 祛瘀 解毒 [gap=1216]and detoxifying; dissipating heat and drying the damp; elimlnating the stagnant; detoxifying; ..
... detoxicant解毒剂 detoxicate;detoxify解毒;除去污染 detoxication;detoxification解毒(作用);去除污染 ...
High fiber detoxify 高纤维排毒
Detoxify Units 解毒装置
Detoxify in the body 全身排毒
Cleanse and Detoxify 净化与排毒
Drink hot water to detoxify 五杯热水完全排毒
Detoxify Poison 原力逼毒
immunity detoxify 免疫解毒
Cleanse & Detoxify 净化和排毒
V-T If someone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol detoxifies, or if they are detoxified, they undergo treatment which stops them from being addicted. (使)脱瘾
...drugs which block the effects of heroin use and rapidly detoxify addicts.
The first thing I did was to get completely detoxified.
V-T/V-I If you detoxify, or if something detoxifies your body, you do something to remove poisonous or harmful substances from your body. (使)解毒
Many people have made it a rule to detoxify once a year.
Seaweed baths can help to detoxify the body.
V-T To detoxify a poisonous substance means to change it chemically so that it is no longer poisonous. 使(毒物)去毒
Vitamin C helps to detoxify pollutants in the body.