[ 复数 dies或dice 第三人称单数 dies 现在分词 dying 过去式 died 过去分词 died ]
Linley Gwennap 指出,Apple 财力雄厚,也很敢花钱,Hurricane 的晶粒(die)是尺寸与其他高阶处理器相比约为两倍大,面积为4.18 mm;就算较小的Zephyr 核心与同等级产品相比下来,体积也较大。
... dictionary n. 词典(Dictionary),字典 die vi. 死,死亡,枯萎 diet n. 饮食,食物(food),规写的食物(food);v. 吃规定的食物(food),实物节食 ...
...现在完成时啊后面有for+时间段 ,出现这个的时候,动词要用延续性的,如果是非延续性的动词,就要转化成表示状态的,这里的死亡(die)这个动词是个费延续性的动词(就是说这个人不可能一直在做死这个动作),所以要转化成表示状态的,也就是处于死亡状态已经十年了,那...
Die Hard 虎胆龙威 ; 终极警探 ; 虎胆龙威四部曲 ; 终极警探台
Die Zeit 德国时代周报 ; 时代周刊 ; 时间
Die Welt 德国世界报 ; 天下报 ; 德国
die down 平息 ; 渐渐消失 ; 逐渐消失 ; 变弱
Die Another Day 择日而亡 ; 择日再死 ; 谁与争锋 ; 之择日而亡
die off 相继死去 ; 一个个死掉 ; 相继死亡
die out 消失 ; 灭绝 ; 逐渐消失 ; 熄灭
die casting 压铸 ; 拉模铸造 ; 压力铸造 ; 硬模铸造
Die Hard 2 虎胆龙威 ; 终极警探
The die working process and main design points were introduced.
参考来源 - 落料、弯曲复合模设计The first yielidng occurs in the central zone within the die entrance,the second yielding occurs in the ring zone without the die entrance.
参考来源 - 金属板材液压胀形声发射检测 AcousticBased on the analysis of the entities and relation of them in course of design of product for Die &Mould Enterprises, Information modle of this system is established.
参考来源 - 基于Web的面向模具行业的PDM系统的研究与实现·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: dice
"She died from cancer"
同义词: decease perish go exit pass away expire pass kick the bucket cash in one's chips buy the farm conk give-up the ghost drop dead pop off choke croak snuff it
"Martyrs may die every day for their faith"
"We almost died laughing during the show"
"The car died on the road"
同义词: fail go bad give way give out conk out go break break down
"She died to worldly things and eventually entered a monastery"
同义词: die out
同义词: pall become flat
"Their anger died"; "My secret will die with me!"
"Whosoever..believes in me shall never die"
以上来源于: WordNet
V-T/V-I When people, animals, and plants die, they stop living. 死亡 [no passive]
A year later my dog died.
Sadly, both he and my mother died of cancer.
I would die a very happy person if I could stay in music my whole life.
V-I If a machine or device dies, it stops completely, especially after a period of working more and more slowly or inefficiently. 停止运转 [书面]
Then suddenly, the engine coughed, spluttered, and died.
V-I You can say that you are dying of thirst, hunger, boredom, or curiosity to emphasize that you are very thirsty, hungry, bored, or curious. (饥渴、厌倦、好奇得) 要命 [非正式] [only cont]
Order me a soda, I'm dying of thirst.
V-T/V-I You can say that you are dying for something or are dying to do something to emphasize that you very much want to have it or do it. 渴望 [非正式] [only cont]
I'm dying for a breath of fresh air.
V-T/V-I You can use die in expressions such as "I almost died" or "I'd die if anything happened" where you are emphasizing your feelings about a situation, for example, to say that it is very shocking, upsetting, embarrassing, or amusing. (差点) 死去 [非正式,口语]
I nearly died when I read what she'd written about me.
I nearly died of shame.
I thought I'd die laughing.
→ see also dying
PHRASE If you say that something is to die for, you mean that you want it or like it very much. 令人非常想要; 令人非常喜欢 [非正式]
It may be that your property has a stunning view, or perhaps it has a kitchen or bathroom to die for.
PHRASE If you say that habits or attitudes die hard, you mean that they take a very long time to disappear or change, so that it may not be possible to get rid of them completely. (习惯、观念等) 难以消除; 难以改变
Old habits die hard.
N → another name for dice