... hold high hopes for one's child 望子成龙 dilapidated building 危房 crisis awareness 危机感 ...
... 严重损坏房 seriously damaged bu ilding 危险房屋 dilapidated building 维修保养 maintenance ...
The country has popularized the nine-year compulsory education, and the project of the reconstruction of the dilapidated building, in the middle and elementary schools in all parts of the country, make the infrastructure of the middle and primary schools have got recognition, especially the improvement project of the dilapidated house of middle and primary schools launched in all parts of the country recently, which have great work to improving the village school buildings.
参考来源 - 严寒地区村镇学校建筑节能设计策略研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
A dilapidated building that shoulders out to one side.
It must be of a bulldozer operator. confronted by a dilapidated building, he can say: hi buddy, I need to euthanize you.
That task falls to the Goma Volcanic Observatory, located in a dilapidated one-story building in the city center and staffed around the clock.
这项任务落到了戈马火山观测台(Goma Volcanic Observatory)的肩上,该观测台位于戈马市中心一座破烂的一层建筑中,其职员全天无休。