射灯 中文名称 :镭射灯光英文名称 :DiscoLight 软件类型 :趣味工具软件格式 镭射灯光是一个非常有趣的工具软件;他可以变幻出 10种颜色来让黑夜变得绚丽! 在黑夜中;你可以让软件变成白色背光状态;以便照亮黑夜
Golden Sea Disco Light Manufacturer 金洋灯光音响器材厂
Disco Light LED Flashlight 迪斯科手电筒
Rotating Disco Light 旋转舞台灯
Disco Light LED Flashligh 迪斯科灯光
King Disco Light Co Ltd 金莱舞台专业股份有限公司
disco o light 迪斯科灯
Another one laser hooligan who blinded a landing aircraft in "Domodedovo" confessed that he entertained his girlfriend by disco light.
A half-hearted disco ball sporadically bathes the room in red and green light.
The activities include CO2 limbo dancing, where the bar is low for low-carbon nations and high for the industrial West, and a silent disco where dancing makes the dance floor light up.