distributable profit 可供派发利润 ; 可分派溢利 ; 可分配利润 ; 状况不佳的
distributable income 可分配收益 ; 可分配收入 ; 可派发收入 ; 分派收入
distributable earnings 可分配收益
non-distributable reserve 不可分配的储备金
distributable reserve 不可分配的储备金
distributable dividends 可分配股息
Profits distributable to owner 可供所有者分配的利润
haha distributable profit 可分派溢利
DISTRIBUTABLE RESERVES 可供分派储备 ; 不可分配储备金 ; 可派发储备
You need to deploy your distributable Web applications to every node.
They do not replicate distributable Web applications to other nodes in the cluster.
NET Framework, you can participate in building the distributable rich client of the future.
00 times electrode is only 1 mm long that penetrates just the most outer layers of the outer regions of your brain called into the distributable cortex.