经 历感 受申请获批兴奋、期待被分配到亚运村(Asian Games Village),负责洗衣(do the laundry work)有些失望每天洗千件衣服枯燥、辛苦下决心尽力完成锻炼自己的好机会当选最佳志愿者终身难忘【写作要求】只能用5个句子表达所给的全...
The inmates work six hours a day, instead of the eight required of other prisoners, and do lighter tasks such as sorting papers, folding laundry and making beadwork and paper crafts.
I mean, I do a lot of work at home, taking care of the kids, doing the laundry, keeping track of what's happening on Oprah.
Our days are packed with work, chores, obligations, dirty dishes, laundry, phone calls, text messages, the Internet, e-mails, high gas prices, low stock prices and more to do than we want to.