post-doctoral research stations 博士后科学研究流动站 ; 个博士后科研流动站
Post-Doctoral Research Center 博士后科研工作站 ; 博士后工作站 ; 博士后流动站
NewZealand International Doctoral Research Scholarship 新西兰国际博士研究奖学金
Doctoral Research Fellow 博士后研究学人
Doctoral Research & Thesis 博士论文研究方法和撰写
Doctoral Research Methodologies 博士论文写作方法
post-doctoral research station 博士后流动站
Project Post-doctoral Research 专案博士后研究
I made contact and Shared my interests and angles of doctoral research.
As a post doctoral research assistant I worked in the field of cell biology.
This involved transplanting the workshop system of supervising doctoral research from Chicago - where it originated.