当这种程序被沿用到英国之后,也首先在行政管理领域发挥作用,1086年,英王威廉一世时代制作的《末日审判书》(Domesday Book)就是利用陪审团进行行政调查和管理的产物。只是到“伟大而英明的”亨利二世之时,行政中的陪审团才转变为司法中的陪审团。
...以后没有发生过给国家造成损害的变革或外国入侵,在这种情况下,产生出一部收集极其完整的国家档案《土地调查清册》(Domesday Book)。它的问世距今已有900周年,堪称历史悠久,中外驰名。
英国有关陪审的较早记载见于征服者威廉( William theConqueror) 授权于 1086 年发布的《末日裁判书》( Domesday Book) ,但那时陪审员不是负责听证并依据证据作出公正的裁决,而是利用自己对当地事务熟悉的“地方性知识”证明案件所及事实,换言之,...
同义词: Doomsday Book
以上来源于: WordNet
N the record of a survey of the land of England carried out by the commissioners of William I in 1086 土地调查清册; 威廉一世的官员进行的英格兰土地勘察记录 [history]
The Domesday Book was a census, land and property survey carried out in England in 1086 for William the Conqueror.
Mentioned as a royal manor in the Domesday Book, it was long a market center for silk and woolen textiles. Population, 67,300.
The property record was known as domesday book because it seemed to the english not unlike the book of doom to be used by the greatest feudal lord of all on judgment day .