真正纯净的聚合物,包括无缺陷的共轭结构聚合物本身并不导电, 要使它导电必须使其共轭结构产生某种“缺陷”。掺杂(doping) 是最常用的产生缺陷和激发的化学方法。
doping test 药检 ; 兴奋剂检查 ; 奥运“药检
World Anti-Doping Agency 世界反兴奋剂组织 ; 世界反兴奋剂机构 ; 世界反违禁药物组织 ; 组织
Doping Control 兴奋剂检测 ; 兴奋剂检查 ; 反兴奋剂 ; 简述生物活性小分子
acceptor doping 受体掺杂 ; [电子] 受主掺杂
doping agent [材] 掺杂剂 ; 添补剂 ; 添加剂
gold doping [电子] 掺金
doping compensation [电子] 掺杂补偿 ; 渗染补偿 ; 掺杂质补偿
doping level 掺杂级 ; 掺杂程度
doping density 掺杂密度 ; 掺杂浓度 ; 掺杂精度
For certain doping concentration,a solar-blind region bandgap can be achieved.
参考来源 - 氧化锌掺杂系统电子结构的第一性原理研究However,Fe 2 O 3 doping also leads to a certain activity of photocatalysts under visible light.
参考来源 - 掺杂FeCan technology itself solve the problem of doping?
技术优先谁之公平? 技术本身能解决兴奋剂问题吗等。
参考来源 - 现代奥运会的伦理困境及其化解The fast development of biotechnology promotes the development of doping.
参考来源 - 基因兴奋剂检测的现状与展望·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: pot grass green goddess weed gage sess sens smoke skunk locoweed Mary Jane
同义词: cola
"is that the straight dope?"
同义词: poop the skinny low-down
"The resistors have been doped"
"The athletes were dope by the coach before the race"
同义词: dope up
以上来源于: WordNet
N-UNCOUNT Dope is a drug, usually an illegal drug such as marijuana or cocaine. 毒品 (通常指大麻或可卡因之类的违禁药品) [非正式]
A man asked them if they wanted to buy some dope.
V-T If someone dopes a person or animal or dopes their food, they put drugs into their food or force them to take drugs. 给…服用毒品; 强迫…吸毒
Anyone could have got in and doped the wine.
I'd been doped with Somnolin.
N-COUNT If someone calls a person a dope, they think that the person is stupid. 傻瓜 [非正式]
I'm more comfortable with them. I don't feel I'm such a dope.
The absorption of doping polyaniline becomes very intense and the absorption peak generates bathochromic shift.
The doping is a cancer on the ideal of the Olympic Games.
He had not, after all, been the victim of a secret doping plan.
The Office of National Drug Control Policy said it works closely with anti-doping agencies in the United States and other countries.
VOA: special.2011.04.12
It's used to treat people that have - you've heard about Epo and blood doping, but it's a therapeutic protein as well and very useful for patients with anemia.
After that, the International Olympic Committee led efforts to create an independent agency to set and enforce common anti-doping rules.
VOA: special.2011.04.12