...”(EAGLE):又称猎鹰,击球杆数低于标准杆数2杆 “柏忌”(BOGEY):又称补给,击球杆数比标准杆数多1杆 “双柏忌”(Double Bogey):击球杆数比标准杆数多2杆 根据球道的距离可以将高尔夫球洞分为三种:三杆洞,四杆洞,五杆洞。
... Down blow 向下击球 Double Bogey 双柏忌;高出标准杆二杆 Double Eagle 双鹰; 美国用词, 烟台高尔夫,指某洞的成绩比标准杆低三杆。在英国则称为信天翁 ...
同义词: double-bogey
以上来源于: WordNet
He ended up with a double bogey and lost in 19 holes to Thomas Bjorn.
Thee stats suggest they did not try harder because a higher number of riskier shots would have shown up in more double bogey and eagles (two over or two under par. )
研究数据表明这些球手并没有在比赛中努力求胜,如果他们求胜心强、冒险出杆,应该会打出更多的双伯忌和老鹰球(高于标准杆两杆或者低于标准杆两杆)。 。
He played a shaky first round, with three bogeys and a double bogey, and finished even. Halfway through his second round, he was one over and at risk of not making the cut.