... DLG - Directed Labeled Graph 直接标注图形 DTD - Document Type Definition 文档类型定义 EPRI - Electric Power Research Institute 美国电力研究院 ...
DTD Document Type Definition 文档类型定义
DTD-Document Type Definition 类型定义
Document Type Definition DTD 文档类型定义
The older document type definition (DTD) syntax for specifying document structure is not namespace-aware.
The process of validation checks the XML against a Document Type Definition (DTD), which may be part of the XML or external to it.
确认过程根据文档类型定义(DTD)来检查XML, DTD可以是XML的一部分,也可以在它的外部。
As with most things in XML, the contents of the file are described by a Document Type Definition (DTD).